Originally, Pocoyo is a Spanish pre-school television animated series. The name was provided by David Cantolla, one of the creators, after his three-year-old daughter used it in her nightly prayers saying "Eres niño
Pocoyo is recognized around the world - on television, on the internet, DVD’s, books & even mobile phones. Being a little boy & a child like any other, Pocoyo represents the child in all of us and the child we would like to be – spontaneous, playful, affectionate, curious and most of all fun & exciting. Featuring a cast of colorful, loveable characters, Pocoyo captures the imagination and stimulates children & the child in us to watch, listen and interact, promoting creativity, self-awareness and self-confidence by learning through laughter. Pocoyo is about a young child’s discovery of the world around him.
Available in Landmark & Robinsons Supermarket Ermita, Novaliches, Pioneer & Pampanga, Pocoyo kiddie apparels would really make an excellent addition to your children’s wardrobe. They are soft, comfortable and with great Pocoyo designs to choose from.
I would love to get my hands on these Pocoyo apparels, my son loves him along other Disney cartoon shows. Although I don't understand him (Pocoyo) much because they don't talk like normal characters, still I fancy him and the rest of the gang because my kid is so fond of them.